Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ring! Ring! Death’s calling!

Courtesy of The Goddess Blogs.

There’s been a lot of death in the news lately which I find disturbing. I mean, I’m not exactly AFRAID of death, but I’m not inviting him to a dinner party anytime in the near future. It’s interesting to note that this rash of deaths has spawned a whole plethora of news articles on every possible aspect of ‘that moribund state.’

For example, from last week’s A company called DNA2Diamonds is offering to create sparkling gems from a deceased pet’s ashes or a lock of its hair. In just 70 days, they can turn what’s left of your beloved furball into a red, yellow-green or cognac diamond (you can choose the shape and carat size) and set the stone in a ring, bracelet, earring or pendant.

Wow. Fluffy is now a necklace. Who knew?

Sadly, in case you were thinking of getting a set of CZs made from your now deceased six cats, this ice doesn’t come cheap and can cost from $2,000 to $18,000 depending on the cut, size and color of the stone you pick.

Of course, if you’re slightly demented like me, you’re already moving on and wondering, “Yes, but . . . what about Granny? Can SHE be made into oh, say, a ruby? Something that might go with that wig she liked to wear?”

Well, just keep reading . . .

Though diamonds can also be made from human DNA, that’s not where the largest percentage of DNA2Diamonds’s business lies. “These diamonds last forever,” company president Bischoff tells PEOPLE Pets. “And we’re finding that even in a recession, creating a diamond in memory of a beloved pet continues to be our most popular option.”

When Hot Cop read the above article, he snorted and said, “That’s the dumbest thing that I’ve ever heard!”

I started to agree, but at about that same time, my sweet not-so-little Po dog lifted his head and gazed at me soulfully as if to say, “Why WOULDN’T you do that for me, Mommy?”

Ok, he doesn’t call me ‘Mommy.’ That’s silly. But he DOES gaze at me soulfully.


So tell me, would you consider making a memorial jewel when your dog/cat/parrot/granny goes to the great water dish/hair salon in the sky? Personally, I find ANY reason to acquire bling a VGT (Very Good Thing), even fake bling made from Doggie Remains. What do you think?

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