What a strange idea! Making a diamond out of DNA? Having DNA in a diamond? When I first heard about this idea I immediately thought about Angelina Jolie and her vial of Billy Bobs blood she used to wear around her neck. People like to forget how creepy she used to be. Making out with her brother and whatnot.

DNA2DIAMONS then uses a pressurized machine to make this unique diamond with
your personal carbon. My question is, How do take a hair follicle from someone? Ashes….easy enough, they aren’t going to ask questions. But hair? You could snip some hair while they are sleeping…going a bit higher on the creepy scale but so is the alternative.
“Honey. I’ve got this gift idea for our anniversary coming up. But I’m going to need a follicle of your hair.” “What? Why?” “I cant tell you.” :/
Next thing you know she suspects you’ve got some VooDoo crazy gift coming up next.
An easier alternative could be making a diamond from your dogs hair. They aren’t going to ask questions. I like this idea a little better. I mean if you a dog lover you are going to go thru a few in your life…. Its just reality. I mean how long is the “farm” story going to work. ”Kids, your mother and I took Goldie to the farm last week. That’s why you haven’t seen him. But don’t worry he’s got plenty of cows and chickens to play with. “This is old. Why don’t you sit your kids down with a real explanation and give a quality life lesson. Explain the truth over a diamond that was made using Goldie hair (personal carbon).
“Goldie will forever live in our hearts and this is a diamond we made in his honor, so we never forget. Diamonds are forever and you can always look down at this ring (necklace, bracelet, what ever you choose) and remember the good times and slobbery kisses.”
Once you get past the creepy explanation of this product it makes for a pretty cool gift. Iwear my great aunts wedding band from 1950s. I love it and the memories it represents. Its symbolizes 50 years of marriage, a real marriage. Back in the days when people didn’t jump ship over spilled milk.
I would like to pass on to my future children a diamond that symbolizes my mother. It is a very unique idea. Not just the diamond itself , but what it represents.... What it can represent. What could yours represent? For me, my mothers DNA2DIAMOND would represent her story of struggle, love, faith in me and determination which can be passed from generation to generation.
There are plenty of scenarios where this gift could be cool. I like the idea of using it for an anniversary. In a time of digital immediacy and instant gratification, How special can a personalized diamond be for your loved one? Its forever. “Im in love with you forever. I will always be with you even if something happens to me, and one day our story will be told.” I mean who wouldn’t want to hear that? I think I just swooned myself.
If you wanna check out DNA2DIAMONDS Blog..go for it. Its there in that last sentence.
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