If the Diamond Edition Chess gets too serious for leisure then check out the most unique and expensive Nintendo Wii Supreme in the world. The £299,995 ($487,000) price tag is justified as the gaming station is cast out of 2,500 grams of solid 22ct gold. The three diamond studded buttons on the front are like cherry on icing. In all 78 diamonds total up to 19.5 ct.
Uniquely designed and crafted by Stuart Hughes himself, the World’s most expensive gaming console certainly deserves a honorable mention on the Most Expensive Things of 2009 list.
DNA2Diamonds can turn ashes to diamonds. Taking the ashes from a cremation, DNA2Diamonds creates cremation diamonds and cremation jewelry. A cremation diamond will contain the essence of your loved one. Your diamond from ashes will be a special way to memorialize a departed family member, friend or even a pet.
Our laboratory grown diamonds are the ultimate in eco-friendly diamonds. While some lab grown diamonds are just simple gems, our DNA2Diamonds are GIA Certified and include a lifetime guarantee.
Unlike any other memorial, a DNA2Diamond cremation ashes jewelry setting is truly unique because it contains the personal carbon of your loved one. Ask one of our representatives today about creating "diamonds from ashes".
Discover DNA2Diamonds today and turn your "ashes into diamonds".
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