Friday, September 9, 2011

Both demand and prices for fancy colored diamonds are on the rise, but man-made colors are holding the line.

Fancy color diamonds are a rare find deep under the earth’s crust. Some colors such as red and blue are among the most rare and therefore the most expensive. Increasingly, we see royalty, aristocrats, and celebrities wearing these unique diamonds. Mariah Carey's engagement ring was a Jacob and Co. 17-carat emerald cut diamond worth $2.5 million with a 10-carat pink center stone and 58 pink diamonds and two half moon-cut diamonds surrounding it, while Carrie Underwood had a flawless yellow diamond engagement ring by Johnathan Arndt.

Fancy colors are rapidly gaining popularity among today’s jewelry lovers. Demand for fancy color diamonds in our society is experiencing continued growth year over year. With this demand increase from 2010 – 2011 alone, prices of earth mined fancy color diamonds have been steadily increasing.

However, on a more positive note, as earth mined fancy color diamonds are increasing in price, DNA2Diamond hasn't raised prices in three years for our real, certified man-made diamonds that are identical to earth mined diamonds.

Read an article about demand and price increases in Diamond Investing News, titled: "Colored Diamonds: Stones with Brilliant Profit Potential".

Media Contact:
Debbie Ogden

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