Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Not Just Another Diamond

Showing off the engagement ring to family and friends is part of the exciting whirlwind of an engagement. As any bride can tell you, the first thing everyone wants to see once they hear you're engaged is, "the ring". Nowadays, couples tend to look for the most unique engagement ring that speaks of their eternal love for each other.

With DNA2Diamonds, couples can create a diamond that is guaranteed to be the most unique, one-of-a-kind diamond available.

Here's How:
DNA2Diamonds creates personal diamonds from a lock of the brides hair and one from the groom. When the locks are combined, added to a diamond seed and placed under the same high heat and temperatures it takes to form earth mined diamonds, a genuine and personal diamond is created. No two DNA2Diamonds are alike because they contain the essence of your love, together forever in that precious stone.

While a diamond engagement ring is possibly the most memorable piece of jewelry a person can own, there is no substitute for a diamond created especially for you. Creating a genuine diamond from signature carbon, a couple will have a unique story to tell when presenting the ring. More importantly, they will have an engagement diamond that truly symbolizes their new life together, forever.

A DNA2Diamond is more than just another diamond.

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