Tuesday, June 2, 2009

DNA2Diamond - What Makes Them Special

What makes our diamonds stand out among the crowd? Simple. We offer a unique product at a fraction of the cost. Our diamonds are one-of-a-kind and personal unlike any other diamond in the world.

Earth-mined, colored diamonds are significantly more expensive than lab-grown, colored diamonds. Not only can you save on a genuine diamond, but you can personalize this diamond with the signature carbon of someone you love. The man-made diamond will have the same physical, chemical and optical properties of an earth-mined diamond. But, the price tag will be significantly less!

Our diamonds are a celebration of life and a beautiful way to show someone your love. The value of a DNA2Diamond goes beyond the price tag as the emotional and sentimental value allow your diamond to become a lasting keepsake.

To find out more information, please visit www.DNA2Diamonds.com